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Poise and Performance | Master Trainer, Eddie Willingham, primes his clients for success

Carroll W

Updated: May 8, 2024


Personally, I've always been with impressed with Coaches or Trainers or Leaders of any type who can not only say "Do as I Say" but can roll up their sleeves or lace up their cleats and say "Do As I Do!" Master Coach, Eddie Willingham is an example of this. Today we got his wise words on the importance of preparation before the intense type of activity he takes his clients through! - a.d.


Master Trainer, Coach Eddie Willingham of IProvide Fitness

Some of your DB and Receiver Drills seem to be pretty intense and require a lot of coordination. What about preparation from a skill development perspective?

We leverage a combination of our own experience and knowledge, along with Day 1 Training observation to tailor the training to the skill set of each individual athlete.

How do you manage the risk of an athlete trying to "do too much" in a game if they haven't prepared properly to develop the skill set?

Training the athlete through muscle memory reps will decrease any risk of an athlete not being prepared or doing too much.

How do you help your clients progress so that they can still be effective game time while they are working on mastering higher level skills?

We first identify the weaknesses and bad habits that client possesses and work tirelessly on strengthening those. Progression comes once the athlete masters the game-time ratio of 80% mental and 20% physical. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.

Coach Eddie's footwork drills require focus for mastery

Is there an instance in your college or professional career when you maybe wish you had been more prepared? What did you learn from that?

Yes...! I came into college recruited as a corner and I had only played previously played that position in seven games at it my whole life and I had been playing football as a freshman in high school! The learning process I had to go through was incredible. The coaches were hard on me but it paid off and made me the player I am today.


Book a live 1-1 Session with Coach Eddie!

Meet with coach via phone or video chat and he'll give you tips on what it takes to get your skills to the next level!


Why is warming up just as important as recovery?

Warming up takes just a few minutes and it makes a difference for a great workout. It assist helps promote your blood flow and preps your body for exercise. Your muscles tend to respond better to challenges if they’re loose and warm. Most importantly, it reduces chances of injury.

"Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance" - Coach Eddie

Coach Eddie learned the importance of athletics and discipline in his days as a DB at Sourthern Miss University

How do you ensure your clients are properly prepared for warm up?

I make sure my clients are prepared by putting them through a warm up that lasts at least 10-15 mins of some form of cardio. Follow up warming up by stretching before.

Coach Eddie stretching his client before the work begins

Then educate them about the three main legs of fitness (cardio, strength, flexibility).

What are some of your favorite warmup exercises

Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, Jump Lunge, Knee to Chest, T Push-ups, Walking High Knees, Side Shuffles, Arm Circles And Leg Swings

Coach Eddie ensures his clients get a proper warm-up before every session

What do you like about iON's Warmup Charge Rub?

I love everything about the ION charge up rub. The different portions of ingredients make the product even better and eagered to use. No other product has worked on my body like this one. My experience was second to none.


Try iON's All Natural Warm-up Rub with moisturizing shea butter, gentle heating crushed cayenne and vibrant orange citrus to get you charged, primed and ready!


Coach Eddie Showing his "Do as I Do!" Talent!


Coach Eddie Willingham was born in Daytona Beach, FL, where he excelled in 3 sports (Football, Basketball and Track) for Seabreeze High School. In May 2004, he graduated and earned a football scholarship to play at the University of Southern Mississippi, under Head Football coaches Jeff Bower and Larry Fedora. In December 2009, Eddie earned his BA in Business and Sports Management. Eddie now is a certified Performance/Weight Loss coach in Savannah, GA and under the business name IProvideFitness.

Contact Coach Eddie!


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