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iON Featured Athlete: Dannielle McNeilly, Marathoner, Aspiring to Inspire

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And's Marathon Season! We were lucky enough to track down model and running junkie Dannielle McNeilly as she primed for a PR attack at the Chicago Marathon!


Danielle Mcneily marathon runner

Multi-Marathoner, Dannielle McNeilly has competed in 8 Marathons in Berlin, New York and Chicago and has her eyes set on Tokyo in 2019.

What inspires you?

My coach and my other running friends who push through crazy barriers to achieve their running goals.

What are your athletic goals for this season?

Hit at least 3:10 in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. I'm keeping that rather quiet mostly because I've never been a stickler for time. My goal is always to finish injury free.

Danielle Macneilly marathon runner

Model by Day, Runner by Day...and Night...Danni keeps focused on her goals


Update 10.7.18!

Danni actually did surpass her goal with an amazing finish of 3:05.46 in the 2018 Chicago Marathon


What is the most significant challenge you face in achieving your goal?

It's more of a mental thing than it is physical for me. I do believe I have the potential to hit my goal, and surpass it. The hardest part is accepting that its going to hurt to get to that point. I have to get over my fear of hurt/ pain / discomfort and push through that during my training and eventually while I race.

"There is nothing worth having that comes with ease."

What is a technical aspect of your sport you are focusing on or have previously improved?

danielle Macneilly yoga pose

Cross training is something I'm improving on. I always just prefer to run but doing other activities to engage different muscle groups has definitely helped me perform better.

I do yoga few days a week and spin once a week. I'd like to introduce weight training also.

Danielle Macneilly marathon runner black roses running club nyc

Dannielle competes with the Black Roses Running Club out of NYC

What is your approach to Recovery?

Yoga has helped me immensely with respect to active recovery. I stretch and roll out frequently with all my gadgets and gizmos a plenty. During periods of high intensity/ mileage i take ice baths or epsom salt baths.

What might you say to inspire other athletes?

Aspire to Inspire. If you want something, go after it but know that it requires hard work and dedication. There is nothing worth having that comes with ease. However, don't let that stop you because you are undoubtedly more than capable.

Danielle Macneilly marathon runner

The miles come easy when you make it fun like Danni!

What do you like about iON?

The recharge and recover was wonderful. I used it when i ran two marathons last fall back to back. (Berlin and New York respectively) and I felt refreshed post bath. It was what i needed to keep my legs alive for another 26.2

danielle Macnielly

Follow Danni!

Twitter @vexyspice


Recover like the Danni!

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