This month we were excited to have a chat with Fitness Pro, Kris Gonzalez, aka @kris_kfit She is passionate about helping her clients achieve their potential as well as reaching her own!
Kris Claborn
How did you get start your career as a fitness professional? Was it your experience in other sports or an interest in fitness or...?
I played sports all my life and decided to pursue soccer in college. I received a scholarship to a private catholic university and I was full of excitement!
After my freshman year I started to prioritize my social life and lose focus on what was important. As a result, I gained a lot of weight and my confidence and passion slowly disappeared. I decided to change my life around my Jr. year and I found an amazing trainer, Aaron Edwards, who helped me find my passion for fitness. I lost 15 pounds and 10% of body fat in 3 months, and I finished my college soccer career as the best season I’d ever had. Go Tigers! I also began to be mentored and intern for my trainer at the time.
Kris KFit does it for the Passion!
After college, I strived to pursue the next level, but the amount of time it demanded wasn’t suitable for me as I was newly married. I wanted to continue to train and stay in a team atmosphere so I started watching the group fitness classes at my gym. I thought “I could do that” So, I pursued it and surprisingly, it came naturally. I saw my class participants as my teammates and I wanted to help them be the best version of themselves. I saw a lot of what I USED to be in some of my clients and so I wanted to be to them, who I needed when I was younger.
What inspires you?
I’m inspired by Dad who has 2 Masters degree and has always worked hard to provide for my family. He taught me to be a kind person who treats everyone like they are the CEO of a company, no matter what. He also taught me that my ethics are the foundation on which I represent and live by. My husband, who is a CPA and also, takes time to help me with my business. He is the heart of why I strive to be better everyday! My sister who is a single mom and does everything she can to provide for her family and still take care of herself. People who live a healthy life and lead by example. I always hear “I don’t have time”. We ALL have time and the people who choose to use their time wisely and THRIVE in life, inspire me.
Kris is now aiming to become Ms Oklahoma!
Help support her fundraiser
by purchasing limited edition KFIT merchandise!
What are your athletic goals for this season?
My current goal is to continue to present with the SCW Fitness Confrence and other Fitness Confrences. My goal is to travel around the world to help people with health, fitness, and confidence!
What is the most significant challenge you face in achieving your goal?
Becoming a National Presenter by winning a Fitness Competition was a challenge because I failed the time before. I lost the previous year at the same competition. The biggest challenge I face is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of self doubt. Fear of being self defeated
Brian Nunez told me, “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want will be sacrificed.”
Kris Fit getting it in!
What is your approach to overcoming your mental and physical challenges?
I am focusing on finding the right mentors to help me become an all around, impactful presenter on a national level. Technically, I’m working on public speaking, coaching, and overall presence as a presenter. I have had the pleasure of being mentored by both Keli Roberts and Lawrence Biscontini!
Physically, I’m working on endurance, explosion, and losing body fat %. I do this by mixing up my workouts with HIIT, Gymnastics, Soccer, and LISS (low intense steady state) cardio.
What do you enjoy most about working with clients?
What I enjoy about working with clients is helping them break through barriers. Some of my clients show up for a great HIIT class or a fun dance fitness session and to burn calories, etc.... but the majority of my clients are there for another reason.
They are there because they are looking for their best self. They are searching for the confidence they once had. They are searching for a better life. They are looking for a friend to understand them, but pushes them to be better. They aren’t necessarily looking for a killer workout. They are searching for someone to show them the way, so they can succeed, LONG-TERM.. That’s what I enjoy most... getting people to do more than they think they can and helping people change their life or the better. We are all capable of more than we know!
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Could you tell us more about your September Fitness Challenge and how can folks sign up?
My September Fitness Challenge is called “Shape Your Fitness.” It is an online facebook challenge where you can sign up as an individual or with an accountability team of up to 6 people! (Facebook- Kris Claborn.)
I took a poll with my 102 participants in my August challenge and asked, What’s the biggest challenge when it comes to your health and fitness? TIME was the number 1 answer. For example, my moms don’t have time to go to the gym . My KFIT guys don’t have time to prep their food. People think they don’t have the TIME, so they put themselves on the back burner. Especially my women and moms! I’m here to tell you... We actually DO HAVE TIME. We just have to know how to use it!
I created this challenge to SHAPE YOUR FITNESS. You will be able to create your own workout to comply with the amount of time you have that day. I will show you the tools to have an effective and timely workout and to be able to prep and be ready for your day! I will help you to start building healthy habits so we can be successful, long term! This challenge is $25. You can sign up with Venmo and send payment to Kris-Claborn or with Square cash and send payment to $kfit10. Please email me if these don’t work for you at
There will be optional competitions throughout the challenge to push people to break past their comfort zone. At the end, there will be an individual winner and a team winner. Winners will receive a gift card from Zyia Active. A fitness apparel company I am rep for. They have great quality clothes for men and women, sizes xxs-xxxl. Please swing by website to preview of what you could win!
•Square Cash link- Try Cash App using my code and we’ll each get $5! PBNNSXF
•Venmo- Kris-Claborn
•Facebook- Kris Claborn
•Zyia Active Website-
What is the most important point of advice that you provide to your clients to help them achieve their goals?
Trust the process.
A healthy lifestyle has its ups and downs. It isn’t about having abs or being an Instagram model. A healthy lifestyle is about being able to play with your kids, to change a tire, to walk an amusement park with family or friends, or to think confidently and positively. It takes building healthy habits, therefore, we must TRUST THE PROCESS.

Kris is also a Master Trainer for Get Pulsed and a Trainer for The Axle Workout.
What is your approach to Recovery?
Rest is the biggest thing for me when it comes to recovery. On my rest day, I make sure I get adequate sleep and will usually get a massage and ice bath or epsom salt bath to help me recover quicker.
I stretch before and after a workout and include massage therapy. I especially like the hyperice recovery ball. Epsom and ice baths are done 2-3 a week and I strive over 100 oz of water a day
What might you say to inspire other athletes?
Brain Nunez told me,“If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want will be sacrificed.”
Follow Kris!
IG @kris_kfit
Twitter kris_kfit Facebook: Kris Claborn Facebook Fitness page: KFIT (@kfit10)
Reach out to Kris and Register for her September Challenge via below! •Square Cash link- Try Cash App using my code and we’ll each get $5! PBNNSXF
•Venmo- Kris-Claborn
•Facebook- Kris Claborn
Recover like Kris!
USE CODE: KRISFIT for 20% off at
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